
同人制品:某宝 北极冰山铺

"He's fourteen feet tall, with trapezist muscles. And he can fly. Underwater. And he totally digs me, which shows excellent taste. Do you get that? "

Bones sighed and fondled his hypospray menacingly. "Jim, this obsession with seducing random aliens must stop. As your doctor, I simply cannot condone this kind of dangerous, experimental sexual behaviour. If you must pick up aliens in seedy bars all over the known universe, perhaps you could restrict yourself to those whose anatomy may actually be compatible? I mean, fourteen feet tall? I know you're a size queen, but really!"

"Agreed," Spock chimed in. "You should restrict yourself to species of reasonably standard humanoid configuration. Ideally, where there is some kind of evidence of sexual compatibility with humans--such as the existence of hybrids--available." 

His expression remained neutral, but anyone would have sworn he was glaring. "You will not be keeping this 'date' you speak of."

"Hybrids, you say?"

Bones threw up his hands and stomped off, muttering something about leaving them alone to flirt disgustingly in peace.
